Corner, Mt. Hope Cemetery

I like the simplicity of this image, as well as my use of a tonal underpainting to keep the lights and darks clearly separated. It was refreshing to work on this after I spent the morning doing more detailed work on the painting of Two Models, which I am getting ready for the Artists of Yardley upcoming juried show.

Oil on canvas panel, 9 x 12 inches, 2021

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Beginning, middle, end

These three paintings are in various stages of completion: I just started the painting of the sheep today, while I am working to bring the painting of two male models to completion. Mike’s garden is pretty much done. The most difficult part of painting for me is finishing. I am not sure if it is the actual tasks involved or the anxiety it brings, but I feel aggravated. The questions I ask myself when I am trying to finish a painting add to the frustration. “Are you sure you are done?”; “Can you do better?”; and the old chestnut “Is it really good enough?”

Oil on canvas, 11 x 14 inches, beginning
Oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches, 2021, in process
Oil on linen panel, 8 x 10 inches, 2021, complete

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Women Play Baseball

Funded by the Russell J Efros Foundation’s Sprout grant. This is a portrait of Kristen Moldovan, who pitched for the Massapequa, NY team in the Junior Little League World Series in 2013.

Portrait of Kristen Moldovan

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Good Stuff

Yale Crew was selected for the Virtual National Exhibition at Denise Bibro Fine Art and When We Meet Again has been selected to be in the Ellarslie Open. Best of all, the Russell J. Efros Foundation is awarding me a grant to create a series of paintings of Women in Baseball. Time to get to work. I include a painting I began recently at the Thompson-Neely House in Washington Crossing Park. I will get back there on Thursday to do some plein air painting with instructor Joseph Sweeney.

Landscape in process

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