These drawings aren’t dated, but I am pretty sure they are from the mid to late 1980s.

Back in the day, many of us looked up to Sandra Bernhard, and were intrigued and tantalized by her relationship with Madonna. For some reason I remember her line from a live show, “Look ladies, no cellulite”. Maybe I am thinking about that now because of being in Palm Springs. The original painting is in someone’s personal collection.
Portrait of Sandra Bernhard Read More »
One of the more enjoyable aspects of gathering materials for the retrospective book is seeing artwork of the people who have been in my life for decades. The drawing is from the 1990s; the painting from 2024. It is true that time flies.
Maryanne, Now and Then Read More »
I saw Summer Clearance and other performers at Martine’s this past weekend. While there, I got to give Summer this portrait I painted of him in 2013 from a photo taken at the New Hope Gay Pride Parade that year. The appreciative email Domenick/Summer sent me will be printed out and put up in my studio to inspire me to keep going.